Saturday 3 January 2015

Research Into The Masthead of my Magazine

Below are the results to my magazine research.

Here is what a completed questionnaire looks like:

I asked my followers on different social networking sites to help me decide which masthead for my magazine would be. Instagram:

Five of my instagram followers prefer 'Amped' however nine of my instragram followers prefer 'Unplugged'

I then i asked my twitter followers:

One of my twitter followers preferred 'Amped' and two of my twitter followers preferred 'Unplugged'

I then asked my facebook friends:

 One of my friends preferred 'Pause', another preferred 'unplugged' and one preferred 'Replay'

The most popular magazine name is 'Unplugged' therefore i will be using this for my magazine, one follower stated that it was 'catchy' and 'interesting' which is what i want it to be, i want to catch the readers attention as soon as they pick up the magazine. I believe 'Unplugged' is a very easy to remember therefore people are more likely to come back and buy my magazine which will make it more popular. The phrase  'Unplugged' suits my magazine well because it shows all of the artists when they aren't at a concert and 'plugged in' to their instruments, it shows what it is like behind the scenes of a crazy rock star life. It can be interpreted as when the artists are calm and aren't on stage or when they are playing acoustic instruments and taking part in interviews.

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