Sunday 4 January 2015

Location Plan

I will have to do three different photo shoots for my magazine, this includes front cover, contents page and double page spread. I have decided I want to find abandoned and derelict areas for my contents page and double page spread because it suits the attitude of my magazine which is dangerous, scary and angry. These types of areas suit the style of the models and the genre of music, it helps achieve the grunge, rock and rebellious style and attitude I'm trying to create. Rock music is also associated with lyrics that are about being 'lonely' and 'different' just like these derelict buildings and areas.
I think that abandoned buildings are also very good at helping the readers realise what type of magazine it is, derelict areas are typically used a lot in the rock industry because of the image and feel they portray and you wouldn't find them being used in a manufactured pop music magazine because it doest fit the image of pop artists. Rock artists also prefer to focus on their music and song writing rather than wasting lots of time on their image and music videos or photo shoots.

I also enjoy going to abandoned and derelict areas myself, over the years I have visited lots of different areas in and out of London, the picture to the right is an abandoned which is actually located on my road and the car was found by me and a friend while on a walk. So from previous experiences I knew straight away where I could do my photo shoots. Which would be The Mound, in south east London, I am familiar with this location as I have visited it many times before and one of my close friends live near the mound therefore I know the best spots to take good photos for my photo shoot.

While researching about rock magazines and music videos I found that in Paramores 'Monster' music video they have decided to set it in an abandoned building called 'Linda Vista' which was a hospital in LA. They used it to show fear and danger of this 'Monster' which in this video was the hospital, there were lots of explosions which added to the image of the monster and fear. This inspired me to use derelict areas in my photo shoots to show danger and fear, but the models wont be scared or uncomfortable to show that women can survive in the rock industry, this again challenges the stereotypes of the rock industry.

 I asked a friend of mine what they thought of my location and they think that it would be perfect for my magazine, this has encouraged me to use this location for my photo shoot therefore I will be using 'The Mound'. Now I must test my location before I organise to meet up with my models and actually do the photo shoot.

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