Saturday 6 December 2014

Star Image

Star image is the change of an normal artist into a record companies manufactured product. The artists are shaped into what the record company thinks their audience wants and to become more appealing and for advertising purposes. The artists are given a specific style or something they are most recognised for, this means the artist may have to change their clothes, hair and even their style in music to 'fit in' with society and sell their records. However in media the artist can also be recognised for their band logo or signature look.
These are some star images of the alternative rock industry:

Paramore are a alternative rock band from Franklin, Tennessee, formed in 2004. There are many reasons why people easily recognise Paramore, however the main one is because its fronted by a woman, Hayley Williams. Hayley is considered a fashion icon in the rock world and is widely know for her fiery red hair which changes from time to time. Another would be their logo, although it has changed twice many people still recognise this logo as it is on the front of their self titled album, 'Paramore'. Paramore are all about self love and expressing who you are, as many rock lovers are considered 'different' Paramore promote that and encourage people to not be afraid. They seem to have an 'i dont care' attitude which makes them seem 'cool' and 'edgy'. However Paramore have changed alot since 2004, they used to be younger, rebellious and more 'rock star image' but since then have grown up and become wiser with their audience.

My Chemical Romance was an Alternative rock band from New Jersey, formed in 2001. They are widely known for their famous logo which hasn't been changed throughout the 12 years of being a band, although they had some other logos and symbols none were as famous as the logo above. However although the logos stayed the same their sound and messages of their albums did not, the band created music from their experiences as people, Gerard Way (front man) created the band because of the 9/11 attacks, he was scared of what the world was coming to and wanted to voice his opinions which happens to be the opinions of many others as well which created the success of the band. Many rock lovers and considered to be 'scared' 'angry' 'confused' 'alone' 'hurting' which were some of the messages in the bands albums which appealed to so many teenagers. With each album the band would tell a story, their videos would link to the album and they would create costumes which changed their star image throughout each album. However Gerard Way is also known for the changes in hair colour similar to Hayley Williams from Paramore as exciting unnatural hair colours such as red, blue and green are associated with rebellious teens that listen to rock music.

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