Wednesday 10 December 2014

Magazine Ideas

POSSIBLE NAMES - Unplugged, Pause, Replay, Notes and Amped

My magazine will be published monthly this is because there will be more content inside my magazines such as all albums released that month, interviews and concert reviews. I could also include a CD on the front cover which could attract more readers. My magazine will be more put together and well thought out than Kerrang! which is a weekly magazine, it can be difficult to find good content and images each week which can make the magazine seem rushed.

The genre of my magazine will be alternative rock this allows me to have a specific audience unlike Kerrang! that use a wide range of different sub-genres such as pop punk, metalcore and punk rock. Using these different genres doesnt allow Kerrang! to have a specific audience which is bad because some people like to stick to one genre, if someone likes pop punk but Kerrang! has a metalcore band on their front cover for one week then the people that only like pop punk wont buy that magazine therefore Kerrang! wont have a steady sales rate and could make alot of money one week and not alot the next. I also chose this genre because because i am most familiar with it, i enjoy listening to this genre of music and therefore i could create this magazine to the best of my ability.

My house style will have dark colours in the background such as black and grey but will have bright colours for the masthead and text such as red. This is because unlike Kerrang! my magazine issues will have the same theme but each issue will be different this will make my magazine more professional looking. Kerrang! has a messy front cover, theres alot of text and images which can be difficult for someone to attempt to read which is why my front cover isnt going to as text and image heavy as Kerrang!

On the front cover of rock magazines such as Rocksound and Kerrang! there are usually bands that include only men or fronted by one woman and the rest of the band are male therefore for my magazine I am going to have an all woman band on my front cover. They will be wearing dark colours such as black skinny jeans and their make up will be heavy especially their eye makeup which will include dark eyeshadow and black eyeliner. This is what makes my magazine different to other rock magazines, Kerrang! uses the same bands over and over such as Paramore, My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds to Mars because they have large fan bases which will attract them to buy the magazine however my magazine will feature new bands and wont use the same bands lots of times which makes magazines like Kerrang! boring and repetitive. My magazine will reach a larger audience because there will be a a wide range of bands that will be used on my front cover each week.

I want to target my audience to be adults, many rock magazines such as Q and Rocksound and mainly targeted at adults in a very serious and formal way but many punk/alternative music magazines are informal and targeted at teenagers therefore i want to create a alternative rock magazine that is formal but targetted at young adults so they dont feel childish when listening to alternative music or reading a rock magazine because Kerrang! can be childsih

The price of my magazine will be £2.50 this is because it will be a monthly magazine, unlike Kerrang! which will allow me to have a better quality magazine. I believe this is a fair price to pay as my magazine only comes out once a month, however special editions may cost extra because of the extra printing.

I will have high quality glossy paper which will make it look good as well as having good content, unlike Kerrang! which have thin, easy to rip paper. The presentation of a magazine is just as important as the content inside, if it doest look good then the potential reader may not buy the magazine because it inst aesthetically pleasing.

PUBLISHNG HOUSE- Bauer Media Group will be my publisher because they publish Kerrang therefore they are familiar with publishing rock magazines and know how to advertise a rock magazine.

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