Monday 8 December 2014

My Genre

For my music magazine I have chosen Alternative Rock as my genre, this is because magazines such as Kerrang! target all different sub genre types such as heavy metal, hard rock, pop rock and alternative rock therefore I have chosen Alternative Rock specifically to target one specific audience that will enjoy the magazine without having to read about other genres they don't like. Rock music has a large influence on many people with the music, hair styles and fashion sense which is very different to any other styles that are popular. Rock music is so popular that there are specific radio stations for this genre of music such as Kerrang Radio, Absolute Radio and Plant Rock. Alternative rock emerged from the independent music (produced from major commercial record labels) in the 1980's but became widely popular from the 1990's onwards. The "alternative" definition refers to the genre's distinction from mainstream rock music, expressed primarily in a distorted guitar sound, subversive and transgressive lyrics and generally a defiant attitude. Alternative music is usually created from bands with 3 people or more and generally have all men bands with the exception of Paramore, who have a woman as the singer.

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