Friday 12 December 2014


What is an audience?

An audience is a indivdual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text, while creating any media product the audience are always kept in mind because they are the people who will recieve it and make sense of it. However without an audience there wouldnt be any media, no audience means no profit which means there isnt enough money to create magazines. Audience can be defined by age, gender and nationality

My target audience are ages 18-34 both male and female because both genders listen to this genre of music and therefore would enjoy reading this magazine. I think that the maximum age for this type of magazine would be 28 because people above that age would be more likely to read more formal text such as newspapers. The percentage of kerrang readers that are male and female are very close however there are more male readers because men generally listen to rock music more than women and therefore want to read about who they're listening to. I think this is because there are more all male bands than women in the rock industry which means there are more idols for men to look up to than women because most women prefer to have a female to idolise and look up to, therefore on the front cover of my magazine it will feature an all woman band.
The data above shows that the highest percentage of readers are of the age rang of 15-24 and the second highest is 25-34, therefore I have chosen my age range to be 18-34 because these are the highest readers of Kerrang! magazine therefore they will read mine. My magazine will also be aimed at one specific genre with a more structured approach than Kerrang! therefore i will attract a wide audience.

This chart shows the amount of alternative rock listeners and rock magazine readers that are in a profession, because the majority of people are in fact students they may not have much money to buy an expensive magazine, therefore I will make my magazine affordable for the whole of my target audience and i will have a large audience rather than the small amount of people that have jobs and are able to buy luxuries such as magazines.

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