Sunday 14 December 2014

Audience Questionnaire

While creating a music magazine you should always keep your audience in mind, therefore to help me create the best possible magazine I have created a questionnaire to help me understand what an audience would like to see on the cover and the inside of a magazine.

I am an AS media student and as a part of my coursework I am creating a music magazine and the genre I have chosen for my magazine is alternative rock. Please answer the following questions to help with my research:

1. Name?

2. Age?

3. Gender?

4. Out of these names which would you prefer for a music magazine?

- Pause

- Amped

- Unplugged

- Notes

- Replay

5. In a monthly magazine what kind of articles would you expect to see?

- Concert reviews

- Album reviews

- Artist interviews

- Competitions

- New and upcoming artists

- Other..........................................................................................

6. What artists would you expect to see in an alternative rock magazine?

Please state at least 2 below


7. Would you prefer a formal or informal approach to the magazine?

8. Which colours you associate with an alternative rock magazine?

- Black, Red, White

- Black, White

- Dark blue, White, Red

- Green, Grey, White

- Other..........................................................................................

9. Would you be interested in advertisements of upcoming albums and gigs?

10. How much would you pay for a monthly music magazine?

- £2.00

- £2.50

- £2.75

- £3.00

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