Friday 24 October 2014


Hi, I'm Sophie Day and I am an AS Media student. I have previously created a blog to track my progress while creating a school magazine which you can visit here: school magazine However, now I have created another blog to post all of my coursework which is researching and creating a music magazine. While creating my school magazine I had to use programmes such as Photoshop and InDesign which has allowed me to become familiar with the programmes and the different tools I had to use to create a front cover and contents page for my school magazine. I now feel that I am confident in using these programmes which will allow me to improve further on my skills so I can create a professional looking music magazine.

The first few posts on my blog will be researching music magazines to understand fully the different conventions used different genres and the importance of typography in more depth. This will help me to create a professional and realistic music magazine. After I have finished my research I will have an idea of what genre of magazine I will be using and the important conventions I need to follow.